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"Sacramentos" egg tempera, 2024  11"x16"

"Along the Rio Puerco"  egg tempera, 2024  24"x34"
Click here for framed image and artist's comments

"Still Life Near the River"  watercolor, 2023  21"x22"

"Afternoon Flight" egg tempera, 2023  24" x 32 1/2"
Click here for framed image and artist's comments.

"Free -wheeling"  egg tempera, 2019   22" x 36"
Click here for artist's comments

"New Mexico Drive-by" egg tempera, 2016   20 1/2" x 30 1/2"

"Vegas- Ojo de La Vaca" egg tempera, 2019  15 1/4" x 33"
Click here for artist's comments & framed image

"Jenni"  egg tempera,  2017   9" x 9"

"Sierra Blanca"  mixed media  1987   21" x 29"

"Jeremiah" egg tempera,  2019  10 1/2" x 9"
Click here for artist's comments

"Plows on Stump"  watercolor, 1995   13" x 10 1/4"

"Corona Highway 2020" egg tempera, 2020  12"x22"

Click here for signed reproductions

Creativity is a gift from God, and it lives in the moment, through awe, wonderment, enthusiasm, laughter and gratitude. No artificial intelligence could ever be progammed to receive such a gift. - PLF

Avoid those who are nothing without their wealth.- PLF

Family Tree
Artist Bios
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Click here to reach us by email:

Wyeth Hurd Gallery
P.O. Box 4154 Santa Fe, NM 87502
(505) 989-8380